Charlie Lonsdale

GIS Professional

Image Of Charles Lonsdale

Hi, my name is Charlie Lonsdale. I am a 29-year-old GIS professional and currently work in the industry for KaarbonTech, a market-leading asset management company. Prior to that I completed a graduate scheme for Cadcorp, a GIS software company based in Stevenage, UK; after having graduated from the University of Leeds with a postgraduate degree in Geographical Information Systems (GIS).

I have an interest in a variety of areas, particularly the implementation of GIS within the field of criminology and other social applications. However, my versatility within the workplace means that I am more than willing to take roles in other areas of the field to gain experience and become a more well-rounded professional. Furthermore, my background in Computer Science has allowed me to develop excellent technical skills that can translate for use when working on a variety of applications of GIS.

In the workplace, I am an extremely professional individual which, combined with my exemplary presentation skills and can-do attitude, means I would be a model representative for any public-facing company. Additionally, I have excellent organizational and time-management skills that allow me to efficiently meet deadlines. I pride myself on the quality of my work, examples of which can be seen in the portfolio section of this website.

Outside of work, I am an avid musician, having taught myself to play both the drums and the bass guitar. I also have a keen interest in football, closely following Liverpool FC.